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Graciela Boccaccio-Instituto Leloir; Buenos Aires-Argentina

Manuel de la Mata- IFIBYNE, Buenos Aires-Argentina

Juan Pablo Fededa-UNSAM, San Martín-Argentina

Pablo Manavella-IAL, Santa Fé, Argentina

Anabella Srebrow, IFIBYNE, Buenos Aires-Argentina










Scientific Program


Marcelo Yanovsky

Fundacion Instituto Leloir

“Spliceosome assembly factors are required for plant survival under stress conditions”


Noel Federman

Instituto de Biomedicina de Buenos Aires -CONICET-Instituto Partner de la Sociedad Max Planck

“Sustained delta CaMKII gene expression is specifically required for long lasting memories”


Ariel Bazzini

Stowers Institute for Medical Research

“Deciphering the regulatory code of the transcriptome”


Federico Ariel

Instituto de Agrobiotecnología del Litoral

“APOLO long noncoding RNA regulates multiple distal loci in Arabidopsis”


Pablo Strobl

Instituto Tecnológico de Chascomús

"Epigenetic inactivation of miR-203 as a key step in neural crest epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition"


Martín Sóñora

Centro de Investigaciones Nucleares, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República

“Variabilidad genética y mecanismos evolutivos de virus ARN: aproximación al análisis de cuasiespecies”


Graciela Boccaccio

Instituto Leloir - IIBBA CONICET- FBMC, FCEyN, UBA

“Cytoplasmic membraneless organelles to store mRNA”


Andrea Gamarnik

Fundacion Instituto Leloir

“Funciones de estructuras de RNA específicas de hospedador presentes en el genoma del virus del dengue”


Ezequiel Petrillo


“TOR: the Dark/Light World of alternative splicing regulation”


Luis Diambra

Centro Regional de Estudios Genéticos, UNLP

“Coding translational rates: the hidden genetic code”


Ignacio Schor


“Tuning the transcriptome through functional genome architecture”


Juan Pablo Fededa


“Rol de la familia miR-34/449 en el desarrollo del cerebro mamífero”


Martín García Solá


“PolA-Seq: A pipeline for the analysis of mRNA isoforms from alternative polyadenylation”


Cintia Massillo

Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental (IBYME-CONICET)

“Adipose tissue from metabolic syndrome mice impacts on miRNAs and gene expression profile associated to prostate cancer”


Javier Palatnik

Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Rosario

“Control of cellular programs by microRNA networks in plants”


Alberto Kornblihtt


“Two eukaryotic friends: chromatin and alternative splicing”


María Eugenia Zanetti

Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, CCT La Plata, CONICET

“Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and their function in translational regulation during symbiosis”


Pablo Armas

Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario - CONICET/UNR.

“G-quadruplex in the control of gene expression in development”


Juan Pablo Tosar

Institut Pasteur de Montevideo & Universidad de la República (Uruguay)

“Non-vesicular extracellular RNAs: stability, release and sensing”


Julia Qüesta


“Regulation of plant development by the combined action of antisense RNA and chromatin”


Gonzalo Prat Gay

Fundación Instituto Leloir-IIBBA Conicet

“Assembly mechanism of the RNA replication complex of the syncytial respiratory virus”


Manuel de la Mata


“Target RNAs strike back on microRNAs”


Pablo Manavella

Instituto de Agrobiotecnología del Litoral (IAL)

“Genome topology modulation by inverted repeats-derived small RNAs”


Manuel Muñoz


“Gene expression misregulation in DNA repair deficient cells”


Andrea  Weiner

Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario - CONICET - Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas, UNR

“miRNAs contribute to the gene regulatory network responsible for zebrafish melanocyte differentiation by regulating sox10 and mitfa expression”


Damian Refojo

Instituto de Biomedicina de Buenos Aires -CONICET-Instituto Partner de la Sociedad Max Planck

“MicroRNA-9 regulates dendritic arborization, synaptic neurotransmission and sensorimotor response”


Ariel Chernomoretz

Fundacion Instituto Leloir

“PRMT5 y splicing. Variabilidad, reconocimiento y regulación de sitios 5' ”


Anabella Srebrow


“Splicing and SUMO conjugation: a possible encounter”

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